Meet Ben - Our People

Favourite quote

“We don’t sign superstars, we make them” - Arsene Wenger

What is your job title at Spiral?

Director of Programmes.

What do you do at Spiral?

At Spiral, I lead school programmes, manage staff, and handle partnerships, youth impact tracking, and fundraising. I also collaborate with Lambeth partners through Building Young Brixton.

What advice would you give your younger self?

It's crucial to work in something you love. I enjoy supporting young people and working with a great team. I'd advise my younger self to prioritise doing what you enjoy in your work life.

Running an organisation offers variety, from school visits to pitching. Embrace challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone, as it's where you learn and grow.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Ability to stop time.

What do you value about youth work?

Two of my values are community and fun, and in this role, I get to live both on a daily basis. I believe that given the chance, young people want to develop and thrive and a great way to do this is through fun and engaging sessions.

Do you have a side passion/hustle?

I'm really passionate about sports. I love football and have always enjoyed watching and playing. Spiral was our side hustle 10 years ago and it's amazing to be able to do this full-time!

Do you have any hobbies?

Any kind of sport with a ball! I play a lot of football and tennis these days. I like to try and keep fit and exercise lots.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I'd love to have Spiral in a really sustainable place where we have our own youth centre that local young people are excited to come to in the heart of Brixton.

What are your favourite podcasts and books?

I love a political podcast, I might be a bit biased but my wife presents the 'New Economics Podcast' where I get all my info on what's happening in the world and what we can do about it. Give it a listen it's amazing!

If you have taken the Myers-Briggs personality test, what was your result?



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